Friday, October 10, 2008

B-Vitamins and Depression

Now I never prescribe B-vitamins alone without prescribing the WHOLE family. The family works synergistically together on the Kreb’s cycle to produce energy in the form of ATP as well as serves as very important coenzymes for a ton of other important biochemical pathways.

B-12, cyanocobalmin, for instance is needed for the production of the myelin conductive sheath that insulates the neurons of our nervous system, adequate B-12 is thus critical to a healthy nervous system. B-6, pyridoxine, is imperative for women suffering from PMS, and folic acid has research supporting it’s ability to improve the efficacy of fluoxetine (prozac) in a clinical trial.

Folic acid comes from “foliage” so be sure to eat your green leafies too! All depressed people need green vegetables. Be sure you are taking 800mcg of folic acid in your supplement.

B-vitamins are dirt cheap and can be like water on a wilting plant for a depressed person. A good quality multi-vitamin is typically what I prescribe to my depressed patients for B-vitamins. A multi-vitamin is a great insurance policy that nutritional deficiency is not contributing to depression. B-vitamins and standard multi-vitamin doses are most likely safe to take with anti-depressants and most medications.

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This website is intended for educational purposes only. Read our full disclaimer. Always work with your physician for proper care and supervision. I strictly advise AGAINST combining herbs or natural therapies (aside from vitamins, minerals, or fish oil) with any form of anti-depressants. Although it is occasionally done, most naturopathic physicians, MD’s, and psychiatrists agree that until we have research demonstrating efficacy and safety herbs and natural anti-depressants with similar mechanisms to prescription drugs should not be simultaneously used. Also, although these medicines are “natural” they are still medicines. Please do not choose to discontinue your natural medicines without the advice of your physician, someone should be overseeing your care. Depression is complicated to sort out. Please do not try to do it alone. Someone needs to be documenting your mood fluctuations as well as when you start and stop specific therapies. Never make any changes to your health without first consulting with your physician. Have your physician check for drug interactions, and always be cautious when combining natural medicines and drugs for depression as the life threatening condition "Serotonin Syndrome" may occur. Work directly with a physician in regards to your bi-polar or depression.